
Thursday, 1 September 2016

Ripper Rugby Interschool

Yesterday the year 5, 6, 7 & 8's went to down to Dunkirk Reserve for the Rugby Cluster Day. We had some people that came from Otahuhu College, there names were Manu, Rulon & Paea. We also had the coach come from Otahuhu College and his name was Lesley. We all started off warming our bodies up. Our first game was against Bailey Road, we had a draw which was 3-3. Our second game was against Point England, unfortunately we lost 2-7 but the thing is that we all tried our best. Our third game was against Tamaki Primary, it was a pretty tough game but we had won our game by 1 point, 2-3. Our fourth game was against Sylvia Park, unluckily we lost again, 3-5. Our fifth game was against Glen Brae, it was a pretty tough game and a pretty good school to beat against. We lost again by 2 points, 3-1. Our final game was against Sylvia Park again. We all took part and we all had fun playing our last game. We luckily won our last game to end our last game with. We won by 2 points, and the scores were 5-3. We all played hard and we all tried our best to win all games. A massive thank you to Mr Oglvie and the students that came to help us form Otahuhu College.


Robyn Anderson said...

I really enjoyed reading about your day Mere. I'm glad you all enjoyed yourselves. I like the way you took the time to thank the teachers and coaches in your post. That is a very respectful thing to do. Well done!

Mere said...

Thank you Mrs Anderson. We all had fun at the Ripper Rugby yesterday. Most of us girls were getting angry at another school but we all knew what to do, which was to walk away and enjoy the game. It was fun having helpers from Otahuhu College.

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