
Tuesday, 29 November 2016


Today LS2 had soccer. We were put into teams and in that team we had to challenge each other playing a game of soccer. I was in the non bibs team and with that team we were working so hard to try and get the ball in the goal. We first versed team blue, we were working so hard and we were working together as a team and for that game we won 4-0. We then versed team green, with that team we tried our best but unfortunately lost. We moved on and versed team red, my team tried and tried but again we lost. My team was feeling a little down but we moved on and played team yellow which was our last game. We were ending off with a positive attitude weather we win or lose, we were playing our hardest and we weren't giving up but as we came up to the end, we unfortunately lost again. We all had fun and played our best even though it was our first session of soccer.


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