
Friday, 11 April 2014

Rooms 7's Visit At The Panmure Libary

Today Room 7 went for a walk to the Panmure Library. When we went to the library Ruth took us to a room and we met people named Pare, Juanita, Kare and Ole that came from the Auckland Museum.  Kare was one teacher of half of the class and Juanita was the teacher for the other side of the class. The groups were called Patu Paia Rehe and Te Rereho. The Patu Paia Rehe group that was with Kare they were using the rakau and the other group Te Rereho they were with Juanita and they were using the patu. We had to try and try to get the battle right. Eta was the princes and Pote was the son so they went to the river and they both got an eel but Eta got a mussel shell and Pote got a fish. Pare told us a story about our local  mountain Maungarei by doing a play. The Te Rereho group was battling us to get there princes Eta back in there team. Our classroom did an activity and the activity was that we had to make a matau out of clay. On that day I was  proud of myself because I learnt some Maori words I can learn at home.


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